I am the founding member of the Pagan Theologies wiki (it was my idea) and have written most of the articles. However, the idea of the site is to present lots of different views of Paganism, so more contributors are most definitely required.
I have been a Pagan since 1985, a Wiccan since 1991, and a Unitarian since 2007. I'm finding it increasingly difficult to call myself a Pagan, since it is no longer clear what values or beliefs the term might encompass; though I still regard myself as philosophically pagan (as in world-affirming and life-affirming). I have completed an MA in Contemporary Religions and Spiritualities at Bath Spa University. I have written four books: The Enchanted Forest: the magical lore of trees; Auguries and Omens: the magical lore of birds; The Sacred Grove: the mysteries of the forest; and The magical lore of animals. I live in Bath.
Here are some of my longer articles:
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