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Pagan theologies survey responses

Page history last edited by Yvonne 15 years, 6 months ago

In 2004/5, I conducted a small survey to find out people's basic theological views. I have checked with participants if they mind their responses being published on the web (as the research was originally conducted for a book), and will only publish individual questionnaire responses with the consent of the respondent. I received about 85 responses to the original questionnaire; the ones listed below are from the people who have consented for their responses to appear here. Many thanks to all those who took the time to fill in the questionnaire.


Many theologians (especially exponents of queer and liberation theology) argue that theology shouldn't just be an exercise for theologians, but that everyone should be able to contribute (which is good, because I haven't got a degree in theology). Well, this is an attempt to make the whole thing more democratic.


You can still take the survey if you want to contribute to this section of the site.


It's also worth taking a look at the series of interviews on Pagan Network, which also cover theological issues in some depth.


Yvonne Aburrow



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