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Mogg Morgan

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 8 months ago

Mogg Morgan is a former member of the OTO, a founder of the Oxford Golden Dawn Occult Society and a Zonule holder of east/west Tantrik order AMOOKOS. His daytime job is CEO of innovative ‘new edge’ publisher Mandrake of Oxford, Recently described as a ‘respected literary catalyst’, he is responsible for the discovery of many new authors, including his friend and mentor Jan Fries. He was a Wellcome research student at Oxford, where his teacher was the late Professor B K Matilal, a widely respected expert on South Asian rational thought. He has published several books and articles, including, 'Isis in India'; 'Ayurveda: Medicine of the Gods'; 'The English Mahatma (a Tankhem novel)'; as ('Katon Shual') a book on 'Sexual Magick'. His most recent book is: 'Tankhem: Seth & Egyptian Magick' to be followed shortly by - 'The Bull of Ombos: Seth and Egyptian Magick II' and 'Pan's Road' (a tankhem novel)



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