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Circle Sanctuary - "...a non-profit Nature Spirituality center serving Wiccan, Shamanic, Goddess, Druidic, Celtic Mystic, and other Pagan folk worldwide."
Circles of Life -- rites of passage and training for celebrants
The Cornell University Library Witchcraft Collection is an online selecton of titles from the Cornell University Library's extensive collection of materials on Witchcraft. The Witchcraft Collection is a rich source for students and scholars of the history of superstition and witchcraft persecution in Europe. It documents the earliest and the latest manifestations of the belief in witchcraft as well as its geographical boundaries, and elaborates this history with works on canon law, the Inquisition, torture, demonology, trial testimony, and narratives. Most importantly, the collection focuses on witchcraft not as folklore or anthropology, but as theology and as religious heresy.
Ex templo (out of the temple) - a podcast devoted to the beliefs and spirituality of humanity in all of its varied forms as expressed in the world today
1,000 symbols - a program to promote the celebration of spiritual diversity in the USA
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