
How to join

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 11 months ago

We need contributors


So you've written a great theological article on your blog or on a forum - but once it has been archived, not that many people will see it. Please consider contributing it to the Pagan theologies wiki - all you have to do is email me the URL of the blog post, the title of the article, the name you want to be known by, and whether you want a link to your blog or website. If it's a forum post, please email me the text of the article, the name you want to be known by, and whether you want a link to your blog or website.


How to join the project


Email me a sample of your theological writing (indicating whether or not you are happy for me to retain it for my archives) to yaburrow @ gmail .com. If it is readable, well-referenced, and impartial, you will then be welcome to become a member of the wiki and write articles. I have created a Contents page to indicate likely article topics - please go there first and check out what articles are needed. Please feel free to add your own, inserting them in the relevant section (Academic perspectives, Current Traditions, Ethics, Inspirations, Pagan theologians and philosophers, Practice and praxis, Ritual theory, or Theology). If you want to have a go at editing but are not sure, have a play in the Sandbox.

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