

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 1 month ago

As an example let's consider for a moment the ethical concern of asking permission before working magic on someone else. The issue of requiring permission is a topic of much debate in the Craft. From the point of view of etiquette, it is common courtesy to ask first before providing magical assistance since such an operation could be perceived as an intrusion of personal space.

Likewise, it is quite possible that the person does not want help for any number of personal reasons, or is not yet ready to be helped. For example, after the death of a loved one, some require more time than others to mourn, and attempts to "pull them out of depression" are both unwarranted and unwelcome. Such suffering is part of the healing process. Catharsis is rarely a pretty sight, yet when the smoke has cleared we tend to be the better for it. There is also always the possibility that a Christian or other non-Witch may not want a "witch" working magic for them as it might compromise their own beliefs. -- John J Coughlin, Magical Ethics


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