Further reading
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Articles in journals & academic books
- Judy Harrow (2006), "To Me , It Was Magic: Mysticism and Feminist Power in a Woman's Military Career." Gender Issues, Fall 2005, Vol. 22, No. 4
- Drugs, Books, and Witches", Chas Clifton's chapter from Researching Paganisms: Religious Experiences and Academic Methodologies, edited by Jenny Blain, Doug Ezzy, and Graham Harvey and published by AltaMira Press
>> More academic articles at PaganStudies.org
Other articles
- Nature Religion for Real, Chas Clifton
- I'm the Urban Pagan, Baby, Yvonne Aburrow. Published in Touchstone & Pagan Dawn
- A Pagan/Polytheistic Understanding of the Twelve Steps, May 1996(?) issue of the Covenant of The Goddess (C.O.G.) bi-monthly, national newsletter by "Nora"
- DISKUS Vol. 6 (2000) http://www.uni-marburg.de/religionswissenschaft/journal/diskus NATURE, THE NATURAL AND PAGAN IDENTITY, Marion Bowman
- The Finer Points of Ritual, A Comparative Approach to Liturgical History, Theology and Design, by Mike Nichols
- A Pagan Perspective on death and dying, Yvonne Aburrow, 1998.
- The Embodied Goddess: Feminist Witchcraft and Female Divinity by Wendy Griffin. A scholarly study by a participant in the Goddess Movement.
- Fort Hood's Witches and the Problem of Pacifism. Why Starhawk's writings are not the best source for Wiccan attitudes towards war. (Chas Clifton)
- If Witches No Longer Fly: Today's Pagans and Solanaceous Plants (downloadable PDF file, 100 kb) (Chas Clifton)
- The Necessity of an Ecopsychology of/as "Nature Religion" by Daniel Noel. What does seeing nature as sacred do to our traditional ideas about psychology?
- Smokey and the Sacred: Nature Religion, Civil Religion, and American Paganism (abstract only) (Chas Clifton)
- A Witch among the Navajos. Malcolm Brenner's 1998 article from Gnosis about living as a Wiccan in Shiprock, New Mexico
Books - academic
- Jenny Blain, Douglas Ezzy, Graham Harvey (2004), Researching Paganisms, Altamira Press
- Jenny Blain (2001), Nine Worlds of Seid-Magic: Neo-shamanism and Ecstasy in North European Paganism, Routledge.
- Chas Clifton (2006), Her Hidden Children: The Rise of Wicca and Paganism in America Altamira Press (15% discount on web orders)
- Barbara Jane Davy (2006), Introduction to Pagan Studies
- Modern Pagans by Don Frew
- Graham Harvey (1997), Listening People, Speaking Earth: Contemporary Paganism. London: Hurst & Co.
- Charlotte Hardman and Graham Harvey (2005), Pagan Pathways, Thorssons
- Ronald Hutton (2001), The Triumph of the Moon: A History of Modern Pagan Witchcraft, Oxford: OUP
- Ronald Hutton (2003), Witches, Druids and King Arthur, London: Hambledon
- Ronald Hutton (2003), Stations of the Sun: A History of the Ritual Year in Britain, Oxford: OUP
- Ronald Hutton (1991), The Pagan Religions of the Ancient British Isles : Their Nature and Legacy
- Frederic Lamond (1997), Religion Without Beliefs: Essays in Pantheist Theology, Comparative Religion & Ethics, Janus, London. ISBN: 1857563417
- Jordan Paper (2005), The Deities Are Many: A Polytheistic Theology (Albany: State University of New York Press).
- Michael Strmiska (2005), Modern Paganism in World Cultures, ABC-CLIO
- Michael York (2003), Pagan Theology: Paganism as a World Religion, New York: New York University Press.
>> Altamira Press Pagan Studies Series (Editors: Wendy Griffin and Chas S. Clifton)
Books - non-academic
T. M. Luhrmann (1989), Persuasions of the Witch's Craft: Ritual Magic in Contemporary England, Harvard: HUP
Further reading
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