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Blogs N to Z
Page history
last edited
by Yvonne 12 years, 4 months ago
A to F - G to M - Pagan blogs home
- Nancy's Crazy Adventures - a Wiccan from the Isle of Wight writing about Wicca, cats and life
- Necropolis Now - Caroline Tully's blog on cemeteries, funerary architecture, death and related subjects
- Nels (Lunachuk) - Building Community - Family/Tribe - Festivals - Local Events - Pagan Culture - Politics - War and other stupidity
- NeoPagan Ink - a blog all about pagan tattoos where people can submit their own images.
- Night thoughts of a field linguist - Kevin Roddy, linguist and Pagan
- Night Witch - Life and Times of a Nocturnal Pagan.The blog addresses various religious issues and offers perspectives on issues in the world. Any non-Pagan things generally will relate to the Otherkin and vampire communities and college life and maybe some things about graphic design. But mostly Pagan stuff.
- Nine Ravens - listening to the subtle voices of the world around us, connecting with the divine within and beyond, authentically expressing her truths, and celebrating the joys and challenges of life with others
- Niobium / Solidly Average
- Nixie / Blogickal - a Wiccan blog
- No Guilt Trip - The rantings, philosophies, and memories of a retired military, ex-diplomat, tattooed biker chick, quilting o'lady, pagan college student step-mom.
- Northern Grove - software engineer, witch, gay man, and many other things. A glimpse into my life, my psyche, and my journey through this world
- Oaksong's Nemeton - Confessions of a Once and Future Goatherd
- Of Thespiae - A blog about Eros worship by an Hellenic polytheist
- Ogam's scribblings - druid
- One life among the many - a Pagan in the Netherlands
- One Witch's Way - The magickal and mundane musings of a High Priestess and Witch of 20+ years. Now a professional psychic, Craft teacher, occasional writer and budding paranormal investigator, Rowan shares her unique view on the world and her magickal gifts with her readers.
- Orchards Forever - a witch's blog discussing writing, green living, environmental issues, pagan culture, media reviews, and spiritual musings and rants... oh, and apples.
- Out of the Circle - the life and reflections of a Wiccan priest and writer
- Pàganachd Bhandia - Occasional musings from one of the pioneers and original troublemakers behind Celtic Reconstructionst Paganism. Quite probably the person to blame for our unweildy, awkward tradition name, and most definitely to blame for the Pàganachd Bhandia and Nigheanan nan Cailleachan branches of the tradition.
- Pagan chaplaincy - getting to grips with life, suffering and death
- The Pagan Collegium - The Pagan Collegium is a free online resource for all Modern Pagans and Neo-Pagans interested in expanding their base of knowledge and personal education.
- Pagan Dad - To fill the void in the community for Pagan Dads. The plan is to provide traditions, rituals and advice for Pagan Dads.
- Pagan Godspell - ecology, Paganism, theology
- Pagan Filter - the world according to Gaiaped Terence P Ward
- Pagan Pages - A blog intended to face both current controversial issues regarding Wicca and Paganism as well as face those things which are “practical” – how to live a pagan life in the city, how to gather your own herbs when you barely know the difference between grass and a tree – incorporating the author's own mix of spiritual mechanics, theory, and beliefs.
- Pagan Sojourn - a journey of curiosity (Heathen / Pagan)
- Paganism in the 21st Century - providing links to all useful things Pagan, and occasionally posting recipes and spells, Sabbat Lore, ways to integrate the 21st century into ritual in a non-intrusive way, broom closet tactics.
- PaganWay - life as a Pagan in South Africa
- Pagans for Archaeology - representing Pagans who love archaeology and don't want to rebury human remains
- Pandora's Bazaar - The rants and raves of a Witch in the city.
- Panthea - journeys with the Goddess
- Parenting by the light of the Moon - blogging about parenting, witchcraft, being a priestess, grad school (the author is studying for an M.Div.), book reviews, and more
- Persephone - Honoring the Goddess of joy and mystery
- Personal Visions - general pagan theology, living the pagan lifestyle, and how we look at ourselves in the context of modern western culture.
- Pentacles and Pavement - about communing with the heart of nature in an urban setting; wild spaces, sustainable living, and local eating from a Pagan point of view.
- PITCH313 - A Neo Pagan in the Everyday World (Clueless in the Blogosphere) - personal Pagan blog. Speculative essays. Commentary, sometimes critical, sometimes just cranky. Autobiographical accounts of NeoPagan & Craft practice. Often longer posts. Poems.
- PITCH'S OCCASIONALLY POSTMODERN GALLIMAUFRY - things, events, and pop/occulture. Intersections of culture, sensibility, spirituality, humor, angst, etc. Pagan perspective.
- Property of a Lady - Deborah Lipp goes on about Wicca, politics, James Bond, Paganism, and cats. Not necessarily in that order.
- Queen of Halves - religion & literature scholar and liturgist
- Radical Druid
- RavenOak - a spiritual journey on a solitary Pagan path, following a combination of traditions but probably most influenced by the Celtic pantheon and Druidry.
- Red Raven's Roost - Celtic paganism and other maunderings.
- Red Witch - miscellaneous notes on Wiccan 'incunabula': curious and interesting stories from newspapers, magazines, pamphlets and books, press photos and postcards and other items relating to influential witches and the infancy of the modern witchcraft movement
- Renegade Celtic Hedgewitch - herb lore and Celtic Paganism and magic, and other musings
- Resistrix - spirits of resistance
- Rogue Classicism - classical allusions in the news
- Roots Down, Branches Up - Deborah Oak, psychotherapist, artist, witch
- Rowan Fairgrove - Paganism, dancing, art and life
- Samhain Witch - about life as a witch in Amerca, and all facets of that life. Eclectic witchcraft, green witchcraft, with a growing focus on permaculture.
- Sappho Q - traumatic brain injury written from a Pagan perspective
- Searching For Imbas - Ecstatic mysticism in the sacred poetic tradition of Ireland and Scotland
- Sexy Witch - This is a blog about sexy witches. Here you will find witches of all types: elegant, attractive, pretty, cute, hot, naughty or femme fatales; real life witches; people dressed up as witches: for halloween or fancy dress balls; fictional witches: witches in novels, plays and poems; movie witches; cartoon witches; witches in art: carved, painted, sketched and engraved: they are all here, or will be in time. Stay tuned.
- Shadows of the Moon - A Goddess Spirituality & Witchcraft Blog
- Simple Abnormality - the blog of Laura Jean Karr, a freelance writer and artist who happens to be Pagan
- Simple Magics - Share and discover simple, practical ways to make magic and spirituality part of every day life. The magic of vacuuming, the magic of being stung by a bee...
- Siren Song - spiritual and religious journal by a 19 year old Witch. Includes religious and spiritual themed articles, essays, and opinions.
- Solidly Average
- South Central Iowa Pagan Alliance - A Wiccan/Pagan organization; site mirrors posts on The Witches' Voice and other Pagan websites, as well as personal essays and information about Sabbats and Full Moon Rituals.
- Speaking with the elders - interesting blog concept where the blogger asks questions of a Pagan theological nature, and the commenters provide their answers
- Spirit in the City - Written by a journalist, Pagan and shamanic practitioner with a strongly Jungian background, Spirit in the City is an attempt to
report visionary and dreaming experience from a shamanic point of view. Includes sacred painting, Pagan music, dreams, shamanic journeys, cartoons and philosophical ramblings.
- Starhawk - a prominent voice in modern Wiccan spirituality and cofounder of Reclaiming, an activist branch of modern Pagan religion. She is the author or coauthor of ten books, including The Spiral Dance: A Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Great Goddess (1979) and the novel The Fifth Sacred Thing (1993)
- Stars and Mirrors - An opinionated Pagan teen whose life has hit the breaking point of actually needing a real blog to deal with her conversations with spirits and her emotionally challenged relatives.
- Stars For Eyes - Writer, professor, dancer, shaman, yogi, seductress, vandal, queen. A fox in ladies' clothes.
- Starweaver's Corner - Astrology, Tarot, and Pagan Spirituality
- Sticks 'n Stones - an eclectic pagan blog, mostly about stones and crystal magic, other magic, and helpful stuff for eclectic Pagans.
- Storming the Castle - magic, druidry, and mental health issues
- Sulum Factum Magus - Robyn Wood's blog of alchemy and Pagan philosophy, written from an Australian Celtic Tantric Wiccanish viewpoint.
- T. Thorn Coyle - a Pagan writer reflects on issues
- Tales from the Black Cat - Katy Jordan's blog of druidry, holy wells, green men and tales from Wiltshire
- TechnoPagan Yearnings - A commentary on American Neopaganism and Modern Adult Pagans
- Tempest Reflections - a blog of personal reflections and reactions (and occasional photography), all from the perspective of someone who tries to live a synthesis of Heathenry, Druidry, and Stoicism.
- The Archdruid Report - Druid perspectives on nature, culture, and the future of industrial society (John Michael Greer)
- The Bunny Trail - a resource for outing trolls and other toxic people
- The Cantos of Mutabilitie - Celtic Studies, Language and Lingustics, Poetry, Art, Literature, Astrology, Education, and Music.
- The Creative Spirit - Pagan and spiritual artwork and musings
- The Gah - Neo-paganism. neo-druidry, neo-recovery, neo-sexuality...
- The Goddess is in the questions - exploring what it means to follow the path of the Goddess. It is about us and the world around us. What sort of ideal are we striving toward? What do we need to emphasize at this point in society? What questions should we be asking? A renewed interest in the feminine divine may bring us closer to balance and harmony. Think of it as a supplement to a Goddess-deficient body.
- The Gods Are Bored - Ever get the feeling that older is better? Let's dust off some ancient gods and goddesses and see if they can do a better job than the current Celestial CEO!
- The Mad SoCal Pagan - which focuses on reviews of restaurants, books, stores and entertainment from a Pagan's perspective.
- The Many Moons of Astra - Pagan webcomic by Glen Goldentree
- The Marigold Trail - indigenous American - also has links to other indigenous American blogs
- The Moon Tree - SG Fisher - reflections on Pagan- & Wiccan-related issues
- The Northern Path - news of the Northern Tradition
- The Pagan City - written as a series of stories, each exploring a different facet of the modern Pagan experience on identity, masks, etc. Using the metaphor of a city because the author envisions individuals and groups who are Neo-Pagan moving beyond the current concept of communities.
- The Sacred Paths - Pagan shop and spiritual & community resource site & blog
- The Sacred Space - Pagan spirituality
- The Soccer Moms' Guide To Wicca: Two Wiccan Mothers Blog About Life, Love, Parenting, Paganism, And Everything Else. We’re Fae and Alumah, two suburban soccer moms who drive minivans, lead Brownie troops, and do endless loads of laundry. We’re also Wiccans, trying to instill spiritual and moral values in our children in a world where our religion is still deeply misunderstood. How do we balance these things? That’s why we created this blog, to talk about life, love, parenting, Paganism, and everything else. We’re sharing our struggles and successes, reaching out to our fellow Pagan parents.
- The Spiritual Journey Of A Somerset Pagan - The musings, thoughts, feelings and incoherent ramblings of a pagan guy living in Somerset, United Kingdom.
- The Stroppy Rabbit - contemporary Pagan spirituality, LGBT rights, and religious issues in general
- The Whimsical Witch - The daily life of a work-at-home-witch!
- The Wild Hunt - Jason Pitzl-Waters - Pagan news and comment
- The Witch Within - a Pagan's life
- Therioshamanism - where Lupa writes about the (neo)shamanic path she has been developing
- threads of the spiderwoman - Journal by artist Lauren Raine as she pursues the trail of the Spiderwoman in her art, creative process, and her personal "vision quest".
- Toasterstrumpet - putting the tart back in pop - feminism, spirituality and life from a Reclaiming perspective
- Tropaion - researching Neo-Hellenic Polytheism & Ancient Greek Religion...past and present
- Turtleheart Cove - a witch connecting with nature
- Twilight and Fire - an experiment in Pagan monasticism
- Two Witches - a Pagan look at family life - Two best friends, two wives, two mothers blog about the ups and downs of daily life, sharing a glimpse into the secret lives of two real witches. Their goal is to create a cauldron full of information related to modern Wiccan and Paganism. Daily posts are full of both insights and ramblings and are liberally sprinkled with witchy wit and wisdom, a dash of magic, and a large does of silliness now and then.
- Victoria Slind-Flor
- Urban By Nature - a witch in the city
- Urban Hellenistos - A blog about Hellenic polytheism, urban life, and modernism
- Urban Meliad - Feminist witch talks magic, animism, local food, goddesses, urban agriculture, and preserves. A Canadian goddess-animist perspective on the intersection of sustainable urban living, animism, practical magic, and pagan religious theory.
- Under a Violet Sun - Musings of a Solitary Eclectic Wiccan
- Walk of the Fallen - writing from a mainly Hellenic perspective about wars, political decline, and social issues by a priestess of Athena & Hekate (more details)
- Washington-Baltimore Pagan Clergy
- The Wayward Wiccan - news and views on Paganism and Wicca
- Weaving the Web - A Pacific Northwest pagan discusses her life of paganality, costume, and textile art goodness. What magic happens or is possible with the perfect chain stitch? What is the spiritual significance of doing too much?
- Whisperings on the wind - A whimsical collection of photographs, poetic observations and other curiosities from an urban pagan striving to maintain a connection to the natural world. Amidst the cacophony of noise and lights of the city I can still feel the sun on my face, play with the sand between my toes, breathe the mist of the ocean and listen to the whisperings on the wind.
- Why don't you research that? - a Discordian exploration of Pagan pathways
- Willow Goldentree - Ramblings of a Witch
- Wisdom begins in wonder - witch and shaman
- WitchDoctor Joe - a Journal of experiences of being a Wiccan Chaplain for a California State Prison, as well as "The Ink Blot Tarot".
- Witchin' in the Kitchen - magical recipes, foods for Sabbats or foods dedicated to certain gods and goddesses, and sample recipes
- Witchmoot - a group blog from Michigan where each member writes about different areas of Pagan society.
- Witch of the Woods - the witchy ramblings of Carol of the Woods
- Wood Land witch - A solitary witch's ramblings about finding the magic in every day in the world around me.
- ZeusWorld - blog by author Tom Stone about his book, Zeus: a journey across Greece in the footsteps of a God
A to F - G to M - Pagan blogs home
Disclaimer: A link to a Pagan blog does not imply endorsement of its content by the Pagan theologies wiki
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